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Old 07-10-04, 09:32 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by toy boy
@ Jack spratts good point you got there, one I agree with whole heartily. I do believe I read somewhere that you do have kid(s)( if I am wrong please do feel free to kick my ass about it.) May god forbid it will ever happen but what if one of them falls seriously ill? I take it you would have to cough up the money yourself, something that seems impossible to me. Also what happens when you run out of money? Would your kid(s) be kicked out of the hospital with all the horrible consequences that might have?
And a limit of 5 million dollars on your insurance??? is this the amount you can spend in your live time?

@ tambourine-man, SOCIALIST there I said it. Am I a brave little fucker or what?
kidless at present, so that's not an issue atm but of course my rates would follow my anatomy northwards should that status change. i would definitely insure my children, paying out of pocket for serious long-term care of any childhood disease or accident is as hard for me to imagine as it is for you.

that 5 mil then is for me alone and yeah, when it runs out i'll have to start selling assets. on the other hand something so catastrophically costly probably has such an infinitesimally low survival rate to begin with that figuring out the money angles will be the least of my worries. as for reaching 5 mil just in normal wear and tear well, i spend a few grand a year, on a bad year, for care, so it would take a very long time at that rate. in any event i usually pick up a new plan every 5 or ten tears anyway, and the money clock reverts to zero each time.

- js.
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