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Old 06-10-04, 05:52 AM   #16
I took both pills.
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I pulled an all nighter today just to see the debate between Edwards and Cheney and I tried to make sense of it.
A bit of an illusion on my part I know but I gave it a shot anyways.

I have heard Cheney say that Kerry voted against this and that, he voted against something else but most of all he voted against. And that is about all he had to throw at Edwards. Now I am Dutch but that wouldn’t cut it over here. I think that most of you people like to know, just like I do, how they are going to solve the problems in Iraq, the economy, the loss of jobs and so on. Neither party had any examples on how to finance their plans and I seriously doubt that money magically appears in the U.S. (if it does let me know)

I heard Cheney say that Kerry’s administration will interfere more into the people lives (government control) Okay I might be a bit Dutch here again but isn’t that having a very big mouth? I mean this administration came up with the patriot act, right??? I have never, in my entire life, seen such a huge violation/infringement of your civil rights.

I have read one of our fellow Napsterite had to pay $600+ a month for medical insurance and I am sure many others will have to cough up that kind of dough with him/her/them
Now I am going to use a dirty word for ya yanks but wouldn’t it be better if you peeps start to pay attention to countries where medical insurance fees are paid COLLECTIVELY ????? I pay for a basic (no dentist, no alternative healthcare/treatment) roughly $60 a month and if I do want the whole deal I will pay about $84 (I don’t wanna be caught on a lie, so it is only fair to say that it is on the rise here too and this amounts comes on top of what my employer has to pay)

I have been told that without a job you peeps are not insured for medical treatment at all. Is this true ??? Sounds a bit dangerous to me!
We are all medically insured here, the working, the unemployed even illegal aliens won’t be without medical treatment. Don’t get me wrong here I am not saying that this country and that our system is so much better, far from it. However I like the idea that someone from a country where TB reigns supreme and when he/she makes it into this country he/she will get treated before he/she infects more and more people.

Another thing I noticed was that they went on and on about Iraq, very important, I know, however the subjects like the national deposit or the huge number of people that lost their job was dealt with in about 5 to 10 minutes. Both came with plans to cut the deposit in halve but again with hardly any backing on how to.

Like I said before I am not claiming our system is better, far from it!! And I am not taking a piss at the political system in the U.S. just trying to make heads and tails of it.
Some people exist just to annoy me
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