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Old 24-09-04, 01:16 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by albed
If you think the Swift Boat stuff didn't resonate you're a little tone deaf.

I don't know whether "Kerry in Paris" is going to though; the media isn't biting.

i didn't say the Kerry thing didn't resonate - i said it wasn't relevant.

the interesting thing about the CBS flap is that the President was very careful not to deny the accounts in the questionable documents. in fact, there seems to be general agreement that, while the documents may be suspect, the accounts of preferential treatment et al are basically accurate - even from the White House:

Q Scott, on the National Guard documents on "60 Minutes," the First Lady says she believes these are forgeries. The RNC has accused the Democratic Party of being the source of these documents. Knowing then what you know now, would you still have released those documents when you did?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, that's a hypothetical question, John. We received
those documents from a major news organization. We had every reason to
believe that they were authentic at that time. And in keeping with the spirit
of releasing documents and being open about all the documents that we have, we made those documents available to everybody else so you could look at them yourselves. Since that time there have been a number of questions that have been raised about these documents and their authenticity. There continue to be questions raised. Those are serious issues; they ought to be looked into fully. The one thing that is not under question is the timing of these orchestrated attacks by the Democrats on the President's service. These are old, recycled attacks, and the Democrats have made it clear that they intend to try to tear down the President and throw the kitchen sink at us because they can't run on John Kerry's record, and because they see him falling behind in the polls. And that's what this is about.
White House Press Secretary Scott MecLellan, Press Gaggle, 9/15/04

the document authenticity flap has obscured what seems to be an otherwise accurate story, no?
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