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Old 23-08-04, 11:19 AM   #12
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Here we go again. Just off the press, Bush campaign staffer Ken Cordier resigned after he was outed for being in the anti-Kerry swift boat commercial. George W. Bush claims he has nothing to do with the anti-Kerry swift boat commercials but just accidentally happens to have one of the stars of the commercials working for his campaign, not to mention that the commercials are funded by a wealthy friend of the Bush team. Here we go again, another lie from the president. It is getting to the point you can't believe anything Bush, Cheney or anyone in their administration says; everything they say seems to be a lie or at the very least wrong and bordering on a lie. The Bush campaign says they have nothing to do with the swift boat commercial but one of the key figures from the commercial just happens to work for their campaign. What a coincidence, Ken Cordier just happened to serve as a member of the president's veterans' steering committee while at the same time took part in the anti-Kerry swift boat commercial lying about John Kerry's Vietnam statements. Now we know how he was steering the veterans for Bush by lying and mudslinging. One thing Cordier is is qualified to do is work for Bush. After all when it comes to lying Bush and Cheney excel and Cordier should fit in well with the lowlife Bush Administration. How many times does the Bush Administration have to be caught in a lie for the media and the public to realize that the Bush Administration is the most corrupt administration in the history of the country? This is an administration that has lied and or misled the country in both foreign and domestic policies. An administration that misled the country into war. An administration that not only claimed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction but knew where they were hidden. An administration that claims outsourcing jobs was good for America. A president that in his State of the Union speech mislead the country into believing that Iraq was trying to buy nuclear weapon capabilities in Africa. A president that ran for office claiming he would not nation build. A president that claims the moral high ground but has had a DUI and was a drug abusing drunk. A president that was missing during his National Guard duty. And now a president that allows his campaign and campaign workers to lie about the war records of John Kerry. George W. Bush is the most dishonest president in the history of the country. Bush and his mafia will lie, cheat and defame to stay in power. Whenever Bush is caught in a new lie you can almost see the Jon Lovitz liar character in Bush as if he was about to say, "Yeah ... that's the ticket." No weapons of mass destruction but Saddam was an evil dictator, yeah ... that's the ticket. Saddam was an evil dictator. Nothing to the buying yellow cake in Africa, bad intel, yeah ... that's the ticket, bad intel. One of my campaign workers was in the swift boat commercials, yeah ... that's the ticket, I didn't know, yeah ... that's the ticket. That is exactly the problem with Bush, so many lies and so many mistakes; you just can't trust Bush. He is a liar and an idiot. One thing for sure, this country would be better off with Jon Lovitz as president than George W. Bush. Yeah ... that's the ticket, Jon Lovitz for president...
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