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Old 25-07-04, 09:10 PM   #5
One half won't do
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Her "Democratic" credentials are extremely weak. She only registered a year or so ago. And historically, both him and Clinton would be classed as Rockefeller republicans.

The last Democrat we had was Carter. And history has been kind to him.

To be fair nic, her husband was killed in a plane crash with a helicopter so she didn't Really gold dig. For all she knew she would have been an old, old woman before that money ever became hers. And she is HUGELY charitable with it.

It's Kerry that's got the hot pants in the family. He has, in the past anyway, had better taste than Clinton for sure.

It's the "Jewish Factor" that will either make him or break him.
They'll be dancing in the streets in Jerusalem if he (Mr. Cohen) gets in. Of course it won't be on the news, even MSNBC.

As of today it will be a landslide for Kerry.

Get ready for the apocalypse.....
No matter how powerful our political and religious leaders think they are, they are as dust before the immense and implacable forces of history and progress.
Alan Moore [in Salon]
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