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Old 17-07-04, 05:02 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Headbanger
That's a curious statement. How can "paying for content" be presumed to be "ripping off artists" without understanding how revenues will be dispursed in that particular business model?
the "paying for content" p2p models in existence so far don’t include any revenue for either artists labels or songwriters. the revenue seems to exist solely for the benefit of the system operator. soulseek is one system that famously comes to mind. the web is filled with many others, even cases where vendors are charging for systems they don't own or contribute to, in effect a double rip-off of artists and the p2p community.

getting something for free is just that, an insignificance, and with all the studies done so far no correlation has been established that conclusively proves free content reduces sales, studies they’ve had plenty of time to make. file sharing’s been going on for the better part of a decade. generations if you include home taping. several well respected studies go so far as to show a benefit to sales, with increases noted in certain circumstances. while where you stand on the issue has a lot to do with where your bread is buttered it's hard for anyone to tie an effect to sales one way or the other in a purely objective fashion.

purchasing content is an entirely different matter. with each entertainment dollar spent one is removed from the general pool, leaving less for creators and producers.

so if the pay model is the same one we’ve been seeing for years yeah it’s a rip-off of the creative community. if we’re looking at a new model that's great - but it’s news to me and to hollywood. for as long as p2ps've existed file sharing companies have tried to broker an arrangement but the riaa/mpaa has not allowed anything like revenue sharing to date and they have indicated no intention of allowing it anytime soon. besides competition if there’s anything they fear more than p2p i haven’t heard of it so i don’t see them doing anything except continuing their attempts to kill it. stupid yes and counterproductive definitely but there you go. it’s their loss.

- js.
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