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Old 16-07-04, 06:36 PM   #6
JackSpratts's Avatar
Join Date: May 2001
Location: New England
Posts: 10,023

Welcome shepdog

Top of my head...

· Searches should be wide, deep and scalable. i.e., if you’re looking for Metalica and other common fare “simple search” is OK but for obscurities a more powerful engine must be employed with default to simple so network traffic stays minimal.

· Multi source downloading/swarming.

· Decentralized, encrypted social functions, i.e. Chat, Rooms, VOIP etc.

· Some sort of decentralized plugin BBS for users spending more time on the system. Usually the ones with the most inventory spend the most time on the network. Catering to their needs can have the effect of improving the entire community. A local BBS could end up becoming your P2P killer app. Think of how much time people already spend at their favorite boards. Getting any of that means huge numbers.

· File back-ups are essential but something no P2P client addresses. Including it would make yours stand out. To that end seeing “1 click” back-ups from inside the download folder, multi-disc roll-over (automatically span the data across multiple discs) auto-name of disc and html generation of disc filenames/folder for archiving would all be plusses. If you’d like details I can show you programs that include some of these features.

· IP masking: essential atm.

As for money – I’d pay for a client but never for a subscription. Perhaps it’s a matter of perception but to me money for a client rewards the client creator and that's fine, whereas a monthly subscription seems to pay for content - ultimately ripping off artists, and that's unacceptable.

- js.
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