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Old 05-07-04, 09:40 AM   #16
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I went to see Fahrenheit 9/11 and was surprised, not by the facts but by how well done the movie was compared to what I expected although I am not exactly sure what I expected. I found it refreshing, mainly because for the first time the facts about George W. Bush were laid out for everyone to see. The truth can be ugly but like it or not the facts are the facts. The Bush family has questionable ties to the Saudis, the bin Laden family and their money machine. There have been decisions made since 9/11 that should have everyone scratching their head. Michael Moore did an incredible job in Fahrenheit 9/11; the movie moved back and forth provoking spontaneous laughter and sadness while opening the eyes of the public to something the journalists never seemed to care about, those ugly facts...

The stars of the movie, the Bush Administration are shown having their television make-up applied. It is fitting as they have been acting for the entire 3 1/2 years. Some people have fallen for their performance others are not so naive as to believe their words on face value. The symbolism of the make-up was a nice touch. Fahrenheit 9/11 had plenty of humor and sorrow. I caught myself laughing out loud as an Iraq map burnt like the map of the Ponderosa and Bush and his gang along with Tony Blair rode up like the Cartwright family...

Bush himself seemed to make the audience laugh, his bumbling and ineptness of the English language and his confused facial expressions brought chuckles to many. It was hard not to laugh at how someone that powerful can be that pathetic in his basic everyday skills...

There were a few parts in the movie that I thought were very significant. The Christmas eve rousting of Iraqis by the United States military set to Bing Crosby singing Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town. The soldiers handcuffed and removed an Iraqi man from this home late at night while his family cried and Bing sang, "He's making a list, Checking it twice; Gonna find out who's naughty or nice." I am sure that the military was checking which Iraqis were naughty or nice. It was funny and sad at the same time; the military was in a dangerous situation searching for insurgents but yet many that were taken from their home were innocent people, they could have been the "nice" Bing sang about while the soldiers barged into private homes following orders from the naughty...

Although most of everything shown in Fahrenheit 9/11 I already knew, there was a few moments that even surprised me; such as when Moore was filming across the street from the Saudi Arabian Embassy. The Secret Service came to see what he was doing. They were polite but the fact that the Secret Service now protects the Saudis only demonstrates the influence they have over the Bush Administration. Which brings me to the bin Ladens and the other Saudis after 9/11 being given special treatment to fly out of the country without being interviewed by the FBI. The government couldn't connect the dots before 9/11 and directly afterwards they let a planeload of Saudis including members of bin Laden's family fly out of the country. Now the government says that there was no one of interest that they would have wanted to talk to on the planes. Sure they say that now because they dropped the ball. What are they going to say, "DOH!" The bin Laden family is a large family and no matter how much they disavow him one of them may have had at the very least his address, you know to send a birthday card. Osama is still on the run; maybe he wouldn't be had the FBI held some serious interviews with the Saudis but when you are buddies with the Bushs you are of no interest to the FBI. Moore also makes the point that the bin Laden family and the Bush family have the same investments and money man so maybe Bush wanted them out of the country while 9/11 was still seared into everyone's heart. If people knew the Bush/bin laden connection directly after 9/11 there might have been calls for his resignation....

Fahrenheit 9/11 is a movie everyone should see, especially Bush supporters; they should know his ties to the Saudis and their influence over him. Bush is an unsophisticated bumpkin with a close relationship to the Saudis. This is the leader of the free world and after seeing Fahrenheit 9/11 the free world should be worried...
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