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Old 03-07-04, 07:41 PM   #7
flippin 'em off
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Originally Posted by RDixon
The real story of the day:

More American soldiers facing murder charges for pushing 2 men off a bridge in Iraq one of which drowned.
The soldier's commanding officers were "reprimanded" for impeding the investigation.

There are more than 40 ongoing investigations into deaths of Iraqi detainees while being interrogated by intelligence operatives.

One Iraqi general was killed when they shoved him head first into a sleeping bag and smothered him to death.

Didn't hear much at all on any of the "news" channels about any of that today though.

What I want to know is:

Who the hell is in charge of this train wreck in Iraq?

And when the hell is Rumsfeld going to get it through his thick skull that he is irreparably harming America and just go away?
If the US can nuke Japan and kill a few million people in WWII without irreparable harm then I don't see the big fuss over a few dozen prisoners; and Rumsfeld, no doubt, has a broader perspective as does the media since they're not as obsessed with this detail as you'd apparently like them to be.

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