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Old 30-06-04, 01:17 AM   #1
floydian slip
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if i showed you a video tape of osama killing your mother would you still think it's fake?
remember that one squid?

hi2u photoshop
its photochop when it suits you but its real if the gumment says so LOL!

I would like to hear your version of what happened on 9-11.

Remember when Osama said he diddn't do it (link) and then the Taliban said we will turn him over if you show us some proof? We never saw the proof did we. Blair said Bush showed him the proof and it was a matter of National Security(which is true because the nation would become unsecure and riot). Then we invaded and the poppies grow once again. Just like the Iran Contra (conspiracy) drugs=money.

Ever heard of Emmanuel Goldstien?

Oh yeah you are probably saying, What about the Video confession?
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