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Old 10-06-04, 07:19 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Heathcliff
Saw this Wednesday:

They're not even counting BT users in the numbers posted. BT2 is just around the corner too.
never underestimate the laziness of the established media. it's bad enough they take the riaa's self-serving, inaccurate word for nearly everything but when they do venture beyond the propaganda to report on the “status of file-sharers” they invariably mean file-sharers using one of the many fasttrack clients. hence when you see articles purporting to show file sharing is "down" the subtext is clear: they mean "kazaa use is down." for some reason the media can only hold one file sharing system in it's collective head at the same time. first napster, then morpheus - now kazaa/fasttrack. what is absolutely amazing about this is the fact that even that limited world view is corrupt. life in the fasttrack system is as vibrant as ever. if usage statistics are today as close to the all-time high as ever before, and they are, then any reports purporting to claim file-sharing (ft) is down are worse than inaccurate. they are untruths, the end result of a long chain of inaccuracies born of sloppiness moving right up thru and including deliberate falsifications. the more the media coalesces into one giant corporate voice the more it will fear and subdue the limited options left, and the more the people will seek alternative outlets like fasttrack and the many other excellent p2p systems either already in use like waste and bittorent or in development. rest assured the more of these clients they say we’re deserting, the more we’ll actually be using.

- js.
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