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Old 08-06-04, 09:27 PM   #10
One half won't do
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Florida
Posts: 270
Default I'm sure u can find much more to blame RR for..

Right you are Sir, I shall continue to counter-counter revolutionize until that Fraud is stinking up some hole in the ground.

And since you brought up being on the dole I'll continue with that.

It's certainly true that nobody loves socialism more than right-wingers, and Saint Ronnie (to you) was no exception in liberally doling it out to his rich corporate benefactors. In fact he loved it so much he gave his War Pigs over at the House Of Fun (the Pentagon) $250 Billion for their sweet, sweet off-shore bank accounts and was so kind as to keep it right out of the accounting books so nobody could embarrass him with his generosity.

Let's see, with that kind of money the 50 million trash that voted for Gore could all get $5000 each to sit on their ass and eat jelly beans.

...or how about this: put bases on the moon, Mars And whole new fleet of Space Shuttles (and provide for the dearly departed ones families for life). Oh but now I'm ranting on and on...

Next please.

@floyd "The wheel goes round, does it not?

No matter how powerful our political and religious leaders think they are, they are as dust before the immense and implacable forces of history and progress.
Alan Moore [in Salon]
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