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Old 01-06-04, 07:37 AM   #11
One half won't do
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Default Belated Welcome....

Originally Posted by aymoo
Shareaza huh? Is there some kind of P2P glossary I can get that explains what G1, G2, and bit torrent are? I suppose my main concerns are security issues. My least favorite situation would be getting sued, my second to least favorite situation would be getting screwed with by some hacker bastards.
Well your probably asking a noob here but here goes:

1. Get a powerful firewall and learn how to set it up for maximum protection. I use Sygate myself. It gets pretty darn good reviews from a lot of people way smarter about these things than me. I would guess Norton, Tiny and Outpost are good too.

2. There are two other programs that go together: Protowall and The Blocklist Manager. They will allow you to block known or suspected bad guys and other threats. They, as far as I understand it will totally block any attempt to scan your machine for anything. Unless the government considers you a threat to national security they will do the job well.

3. Hang around here. Man I'm telling you this place is on the cutting edge of the p2p world and there are some experts here that have been at it before I even owned a computer.

Jack your wit is always a delight....
Letterman will be talking s*** for weeks.
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