Thread: Volveran
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Old 30-05-04, 05:27 PM   #14
Earthbound misfit
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Originally Posted by Heathcliff
I like this quote though:

“From each according to his abilities,
To each according to his needs”

- Karl Marx
Yes, it is a good way to live, but it's a bad way to govern a people. Mormons call this idea the Law of Consecration, but whereas the LDS church seeks to establish Zion, Communism only seeks to destroy the notions of economy and wealth, and more than a few communists have also sought to destroy or severly subsidize religion, science, higher education, media, and military, giving Marxism a bad reputation in the process. Karl Marx was a smart man, but far too many of his followers have been very stupid people. From a philosophical standpoint I see Communism as a bad thing, but then as TK points out the reality is that Communist nations do not exist in vacuums, they're constantly influenced by the world economy. Whenever Castro finally dies of old age his people will mourn him and then promptly forget their allegience to his government. Communism in Cuba won't last long without Fidel around, after that who knows what will happen?
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