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Old 22-05-04, 05:34 PM   #14
schmooky007's Avatar
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Originally posted by Wenchie
the death toll from the protest is about 10 which is what the press and Palestinians are reporting....with around 40+ injured...
The report of 30 killed was from the previous attack which is what sparked the protest.
incorrect.. the international "protest" was started to prevent israel from widening the philadelphia corridor. when the tank shell hit the demonstrators, the media worldwide reported 30 people killed in that attack, a figure that was grossly exaggerated. the same happened in jenin in 2002. palestinians and the media reported over 500 killed when in fact only 50, most of them militants fighting, were killed. no apology was issued by any publication for that false story as well as no retractions. a documentary was recently made and aired here in canada about the pathetic way the international press covered the jenin incident. most of the culprits, the authors, the editors, refused to appear on camera to give their side of the story despite being proved wrong by a UN report. the guardian (one of the sources you quoted), the independent, BBC news, all of them refused to appear.
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