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Old 21-05-04, 04:57 PM   #1
schmooky007's Avatar
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first of all, they didn't intentionally fire at people. a tank crew shot 4 shells from the back at a building where 4 terrorists were seen hiding and apparently one of the shells or parts of it hit in the middle in the crowd. the western and arab press made it sound as though it was a deliberate act and it wasn't. the palestinian bullshit patrol immediately took over the scene, saying to the worldwide press that at least 30 people were killed. israel said only 7. today a palestinian doctor finally revised the count which agrees with the israeli claim.

second, the reason why this operation is taking place is because palestinian terrorist groups have received a shipment of anti-tank missiles and katyusha rockets waiting for pickup in egypt, which they were planning on smuggling through the tunnels in rafah. these weapons can hit major israeli cities if launched from gaza. israel advised the palestinian authority about this and arafat refused to act. so once again israel has to take self defense action, which it is fully entitled to under international law, to prevent terrorists from targeting israeli cities with sophisticated weapons.
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