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Old 19-05-04, 02:21 AM   #4
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Well, that's are of course entitled to your opinion....I know that we are not the only country in the world, but we are the most POWERFUL country in the world...don't forget it.
I wonder what would happen if the 'most POWERFUL country in the world' pissed in China's cornflakes to the wrong degree. Maybe they shoot down a spy plane and then televise the pilot's execution... whatever causes it. Picture it. The U.S. facing off against, arguably, a military peer.

Would allies flock to the U.S.'s side? "Hell yeah, the U.S. has the right to spy on whoever they choose!". Maybe, maybe not. Just as likely, the sides would not achieve a decisive alliance in either direction. So, it would be a long war.

The U.S. will be drafting. That's okay, there are lots of people. Okay, so around a quarter of China's potential draft, but still a lot of young people available to die. Another good indication of a long war.

So..while all of this is going on, will all of America's enemies sit at home under some sort of inbred 'gentleman's agreement' and refuse to blindside the U.S.? Hmm, probably not. In fact, countries the U.S. would probably never see coming (and I don't mean Canada, we'd probably be dumb enough to be helping you) will kick the living shit out of the country.

It'll be divided carefully. Probably around 4-5 pieces.

On the bright side, historians (believe it or not, non-Americans), will be recording the tale for posterity. Do you think people will look back at the U.S. as more of a bantam rooster type image, or more of a 'peasant's crusade' type image?


Finally, we have a government that is willing to stand up and take the heat for the principles that it believes in. If you thought we were just going to sit back and take and the rest of you yellow bellied liberals are so sadly mistaken. I for one wouldn't mind just wipeing out all arabs, for they are the source of the worlds problems, poor demented souls.
Sometimes, when the light hits the screen just so, I wonder if you're a guy living in Belgium making fun of Americans.
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