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Old 14-05-04, 04:37 PM   #10
Formal Ball Proof
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originally posted by malvachat
The next question is who faked it them or us?
I haven't watched the video and I'm not a forensic expert, but your question points up that even if the execution of Mr. Berg is quite real, it wouldn't necessarily preclude this being a work of fiction.

One possible heuristic might be to ask who would really have more to gain from the perfect timing and the unequivocally predictable reactions produced? Perhaps it's a toss-up between the self-destructing incarnation of a radical Islamic death wish and our own Department of Offense... err, Defense... who just happens to be cinching the deal for 25B more dollars, but it does seem remarkable that some avid Bushophiles can barely suppress their glee at the arrival of such a document with its magical resuscitative effect upon a war effort gasping and wheezing at the reports from Abu Ghraib.

Another interesting question is if Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is bold enough to take credit for this act, why is he so reticent to reveal his identifiable visage and remove all doubt? In an age where terrorist cells sometimes haggle over claiming responsibility for any circumstantial disaster and where any five anonymous guys with a video camera and a Malaysian web site can hit such a demographic jackpot, you'd think he'd be a little more meticulous about signing his work, but who knows.

One thing's fairly clear though, this seems to have proven a better design to draw us in than to ward us off. If the architects of Mr. Berg's decapitation were truly seeking to dissuade Americans from their prized 'war on terror' and specifically our seige of Iraq, they've definitely achieved the opposite, and it seems they'd have to be incredibly dense not to have realized such would be the case. I'm not going to argue that these are intellectuals, but surely they're cognizant of human nature to some extent.

Mind you, I'm not drawing any conclusions, just asking questions and acknowledging the margin of indeterminacy.

originally posted by Mazer
What is it they're selling?
Maybe you can tell me what they're selling, as an enthusiastic consumer of the war on terror you would seem to have more authority on that subject than I. Personally, whether it's the righteous indignation to make the Islamic world a parking lot or a justification for the vast waste of time, energy, money and lives with which we've made this futile bonfire in pursuit of these microbial organisms, I'm not buying any.

originally posted by Sinner
Well it seems to me Liberals want to blame anybody but the Killers.
Frankly, I'd much rather believe that the're exactly who they say they are and tuck them into a nice snug bed of blame with hospital corners, but part of the problem is that radicals such as yourself masquerading as 'conservatives' have been so busy for the last three years defending the almost omniscient infallibility of their intrepid leader and attempting to foil and discredit the slightest quibble with such rapacious zeal that such little red flags of skepticism begin to feel more and more like sober objectivity with each passing day.
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