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Old 14-05-04, 02:35 PM   #16
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Originally posted by miss_silver
Hello pisser

Don't usually reply to your post in the PA but on this i'll make an exeption

Fuck europe? yes, why not! Since they obviously know about all the OGM harm and that "Oh god forbid" they are mostly lefties according to your oil ass licking prez. Guess a lot of ppl have to wake up and smell the virtual java coffe beans and brew themselves a cup of "reality"!

This might be a wake up call to you but you are not the only country in the world! Some other foreign nation are intitled to their own decision including, not to participate on this now called "War of all horrors" instead of "Was on terriorisim". Keep wondering why Canada is still not blamed After all, we refused to join your war effort. Trust me on this, it's easier to blame another country from which you are divided by an ocean than a country which border your country. Just a question, did Mexico join the war on terrorisim, did any central american or south american country joined in this war? If so, please correct me on this.

Just to say, it's easier to blame some other country than admitting that the war on Iraq is a total screwup, coming from your own gouverning forces! If you feel so guilty about what your own gov did, Blame him instead of Europeans. Just a thought, ain't the UK part of europe? (my apologie to Petri, TM & Malvachat & Ranger)

This war on Iraq is wrong on so many levels now, after witnessing the murder of those 4 unfortunate contractors, the falluja seige... Guess your gov would have a clue by now that the US coalition forces are not wanted in iraq.

Beyond that, peace pisser

Just hope skynet won't take over b4 this war is over or else we would mostly all be dead!
Well, that's are of course entitled to your opinion....I know that we are not the only country in the world, but we are the most POWERFUL country in the world...don't forget it.

Finally, we have a government that is willing to stand up and take the heat for the principles that it believes in. If you thought we were just going to sit back and take and the rest of you yellow bellied liberals are so sadly mistaken. I for one wouldn't mind just wipeing out all arabs, for they are the source of the worlds problems, poor demented souls.

If you didn't like the idea of us going to war, why didn't YOUR government do something about it. I'll tell you why, because we have canada in our back pocket and it will always be like that.

Bye bye canuck-e

P.S. San Jose is going to kick Calgary's assssssses! hehe
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