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Old 14-05-04, 01:20 AM   #2
Gutrguy's Avatar
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By the times on those shots, to looks like this was recorded over a much larger period of time. The first shot of him in the chair says 13:26...(1:26pm), the time in between that shot and the actual murder shows between 2:10 and 2:45. If i was to guess, i would guess that between 0200 and 0300 they recorded the speech with him sitting on the ground, but the rest of the video...him telling about his family and the actual decapitation didnt happen until roughly 10 hours later. I also believe that he was already dead (maybe 30 min prior) when they recorded the video where they 'killed' him...there just should have been a lot more blood, and a lot more twitching from the body.

The gold ring on the man with the papers, the constant turning and shuffling of the papers, the obvious nervousness of the man on the far right hand side of the video, and the fact that their skin (hands) look just as dark (if not a bit whiter) as Berg's taned face makes me wonder if these were really muslim extremeists...

I have no doubt that all video shots are real, but its a bit of a stretch for me to believe that the events occoured in the presented sequence
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