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Old 27-04-04, 07:10 PM   #4
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Originally posted by AweShucks
The Secret Service has for as long as I can remember taken every threat seriously regardless of age and or severity... things like this may seem harmless but then again who knows
you really think so aweshucks? can you name a school kid who ever took a pop at a pres? that line of reasoning sounds like something the shills on bushes' payroll would spout. the ss may be paid to be paranoid, but that doesn't excuse a school. i can't help thinking a pic of osama's head on a stick would've resulted in a different outcome. freedon of expression doesn't stop at us political figures, even those on the right. if we can't rip into them we don't have freedom of expression, something republicans remind us when dissing dems. jesse helms angrilly said clinton better "bring a bodyguard" if he visits carolina. ann coulter basically says all liberals should be killed and there are many many more examples of veiled right wing threats that didn’t result in ss grillings. they want to call the cops they should have a genuine threat. like a death threat for instance (we can start by jailing coulter…heh) a political cartoon’s their evidence? they're just stifling debate. you can bet the kids in that school will think long and hard before expressing themselves, as will nearly every kid hearing about this, and that’s pretty much the point, but that's the wrong lesson for u.s. schools to teach.

- js.
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