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Old 14-04-04, 10:14 AM   #3
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god ramona yer so unfair!. sure bush knew somebody wanted to attack washington, and sure bush knew somebody wanted to attack new york city, and sure bush knew that that somebody was osama bin laden, but bush didn't know the day. at least he says he didn't. meanwhile, on a bucolic ranch in texas, far far away from either of those awful places, our man had important ranch type matters to attend to immediately, not in the distant foggy future like five weeks from then. i heard wood needed chopping and horses needed watering and a million other things needed doing that only a god fearing rancher can accomplish. so give the guy a break. ok, i mean a load of people got squashed when those buildiings came down and ok maybe he could have prevented it if he really paid attention but come on, how many horses thrived on his ranch during the 5 week period between august 6th and september 11th? it was really hot, remember? they could've all gotten sick but they didn't! nobody ever talks about that do they? no. and you wanna know why? because people are really mean, that's why.

- js.
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