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Old 07-04-04, 02:08 PM   #16
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you don’t trot into a hostile country, with your lessons about democracy, and then proceed to shut down their presses when they print something you don’t like. it’s just going to convince the occupied that you’re not to be trusted, that your “system” ‘s not to be trusted. especially a country where they’re predisposed to believing your're untrustworthy to begin with. you know, it’s obviously not a moral issue that bush has with lies. he’s got an army with a propaganda machine whose job it is to disseminate real whoppers. hell when fox news lies they don’t complain because the lie favors the republicans. it’s not lies that shut down the paper, let’s get that clear, it’s the fact that the army didn’t like what they said.

even taking them at face value, even ass - u – ming they’re bothered by the basic injustice of lying (!), you don’t combat lies with more lies, you don’t combat darkness with more darkness - instead you let all of these iraqi’s who’re “ecstatic” that the us has liberated them (and we know there are millions of them and we know they’re ecstatic because bush says so), you let them combat the lies with newspapers of their own that print the truth. that's how it's done. just like a real democracy. because doing anything less is bs, it gives ammo to your critics, and that ammo kills. it ain’t pen letters that are knocking off american mercenaries and soldiers every day.

- js.
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