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Old 03-04-04, 09:08 PM   #15
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 1,260

Originally posted by JackSpratts
oh yeah? listen span, if you have info linking iraq to 911 you'd better get your righteous ass down to dc for the hearings before they subpoena it out from under you. you're like the only guy on the planet making that claim.

- js.
it's called a War on Terror, not a War on Al-Queda, if you think Saddam was some saintly figure with no terrorism connections then you need to get down to the clue factory.

Yassim, Abu Nidal, palestinian Suicide money...i can go on and on, do you understand the meaning of "I'm tired of swating at flies"?

hmmm...lets count the number of reasons why we went to war according to our resident moonbats:
War for OiL
War because "he tried to kill my daddy"
War for Jews
War for religion
War for Empire

i guess if you change it around enough eventually you'll hit on the right reason (hint; it has to do with protecting America)
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