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Old 03-04-04, 05:55 AM   #9
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gee ramona, you talk as if your words might actually make a difference to the wars’ cheerleaders. putting aside that for the moment, and the fact that i agree with you wholeheartedly, and the irony that the bushes qualify squarely as dynastic elites themselves, none of the criticisms you mention can possibly influence the supporters of this war because this is not a war that bears any relationship to one fought for the normal goals of political change or the acquisition of material. this is religious war, fought by those who believe they have been chosen by god to prepare the earth the for return of a mythological figure they believe to be their savior – and theirs alone. the one who has the power to grant them eternal life (if they obey his commands). that the iraqi’s pretend to believe this nonsense is obvious, but i’m not referring to them, i’m talking about bush and company, and the hordes of right wingers addicted to this peculiar brand of armageddon christianity they believe puts them in charge of the planet. logic does not apply, not when you think the ultimate big brother is quite literally watching your every step, and listening to your every thought (especially the thoughts), and judging you in real time while recording you for all time. this puts rooting for the home team in a whole new light. you gotta read the subtext here if you want to know what’s happening. all of the justifications for going to war were merely polite nonsense barely masking the fact that the us is now run by a theocracy appointed by gawd hisseslf (not elected) and that would much rather be teaching creationism in the schools (bush’s words) than dealing with the logical ideas that really get things done, like treating parkinson’s or even starting your car in the morning. this is not a group comfortable with nuance in the normal sense, as it applies to politics and science, but they’re well prepared and happy to spend weeks dissecting the various differences between religious dogmas that to the less obsessed seem exactly the same. you want to reach these guys? tell ‘em why slaughtering the hordes won’t get ‘em to heaven. it’s the only thing on their minds.

- js.
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