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Old 25-03-04, 08:47 PM   #4
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i saw that and i couldn’t believe that's the bush admin's big defense, it's so amazingly lightweight they might as well just admit clarke was right and go home (not that clarke didn't have witnesses, he did).

i guess you've never been to a retirement party. old gripes get momentarily placed aside for a few hours of bland, civil discourse, usually followed up by thank you notes of equally meaningless boilerplate. it’s an old and tired convention but it’s considered bad form to be critical around such times and anyway it leads to frameable wall plaques and never underestimate the power a wall plaque can have on a man’s psyche. better than a gold watch.

but if ever anyone will be knocked off by his own words, it'll be clarke's last boss, george w. bush.

- js.
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