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Old 23-03-04, 03:48 PM   #20
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Let’s see. From the time the embassies were attacked in August of ’98 to the day Clinton left office he had 29 months to get Bin Laden. He tried, but they missed him. The republicans cannot forgive him that. I understand. Yet from the time Bush took office to today it’s been how long? Some 38 months. It’s even been 30 months since 9/11. Bush hasn’t gotten Bin Laden in all this time but few republicans care to acknowledge the fact. I can understand that too. It’s tough to concentrate on a war on terror when making up Iraq excuses and whining about Clinton are jobs Number One and Two.

But who likes this part? Bush sends 500 Americans and 10,000 Iraqis to their deaths because Afghanistan doesn't have "good targets."

- js.
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