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Old 23-03-04, 12:40 PM   #11
Join Date: Apr 2002
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Originally posted by miss_silver
I seriously doubt that.

If my mother would have been Jewish, I would have been too. Wether you're from USA,Canada, Europe, China, Japan, Russia North or South Africa or Australia, being born jewish is to be jewish, not american, not canadian... It just goes down with the bloodline according to their religion. Wether being white, yellow, black or purple with green dots, if your mother is jewish, it makes you a jewish person, wether practicant or not.

Strangely enough, If my father was jewish and my mother wasn't, I wouldn't be either
we could argue the semantics of what constitutes being jewish all day long the point was it was rather funny that in one post he's calling Israeli's a murdering, oppressing horde and then in the next breath saying "oh hey look i lowered my elitist standards and actually associate with some dirty jews, just so you don't think i'm anti-semetic"

it's funny and in line with his childish view of the world.
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