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Old 17-03-04, 08:47 AM   #3
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highly improbable. would lead to arrests and the impeachment (and jailing) of bush if he ordered it. would destroy the republican party (watergate+iran contra+iraqgate=end of party). would damge beyond measure the stature of the us in the world at large. it would in short be comparable to an act of sedition. however it would explain a lot, like why they all insisted the weapons were there to begin with, when the cia is now saying that's not what they meant at all.

i'm sure they'll be an investigation, as soon as the reupublicans in congress get through spending the next four years on something really important, like them yerapeen vakations and where all them dc koktail partees are what where kerry meets them "feriners" he's always on about.

here's an idea: if cheney ever comes clean on haliburton kerry can take him to a vespucci lodge.

- js.
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