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Old 11-03-04, 10:17 PM   #5
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Where are we? The reasonable fellows thread or the ban gay marriage thread? I find the two concepts opposed. Especially when one posts extreme and unfounded opinions insisting that same sex monogamy will lead to the downfall and ruin of life as we know it. “Our civilization will collapse or fade away.” and “America will no longer be able to raise up children with any trust in or loyalty.” That’s reasonable? Not to me it isn’t.

There are millions of couples living together throughout this country contributing to the general well being of our society. Many of them are of the same sex. This has been true from the earliest days of our history. You may not like it, you might even viscerally hate it (Some reasonable advice? Overcome it), but it’s not a license to spread unfounded and hysterical accusations and predictions, based on…what exactly, fear? Bigotry? Or does Mr. Scott Card posesses some actual empirical evidence to back up these amazing statements? Since monogamous gays are living among us peacefully and productively I posit it’s up to you to prove that by simply allowing them to marry some profound change will occur that ushers in the drastic events you’ve posted as Card’s proxy. In truth, I found his broadside to be one of the most unreasonable I’ve seen at this forum. Filled with dark rumor and portent, based on loathing and superstition, wrapped in a smary lie of balance and fairness. I know you didn’t write it Mazer, but please, don’t for a second tell me it’s reasonable. It is anything but. If I was gay I’d consider it nothing less than hate speech and a call to arms.

Insert Mormon or Jew or Catholic etc for homosexual and you may get some idea what it means.

Reasonable? You’re kidding right? Not on this planet, and not on this board.

- js.
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