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Old 11-03-04, 01:02 AM   #3
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Originally posted by JackSpratts
just this week the head of the cia revealed he had to ah "correct" vice president cheney. cheney was telling intelligence whoppers last weekend - again.
tenet, (a clinton administration holdover) should have been fired 9/12/2001. ever consider the possibilty that tenet is the one telling the intelligence whoppers?


February 6, 2004 -- The buck used to stop at the top.
No more.

The fact that Central Intelligence Agency Director George Tenet still has a job proves that.

It was on Tenet's watch that terrorists carried out the deadliest surprise attack on America since Pearl Harbor.

Yet Tenet has never so much as apologized for that massive failure.

Now it appears that the intelligence community overestimated the extent and success of Saddam's weapons-of-mass-destruction programs (though not Saddam's desire for WMDs and the means of delivering them).

This doesn't begin to undermine the case for establishing a strong U.S. military presence in the Middle East, but it is unquestionably another major failure.

Tenet, speaking yesterday at Georgetown University, said "in the intelligence business, you are almost never completely wrong or completely right."

Who can disagree with that?

Then, however, Tenet displayed a bit of his true character, asserting that the CIA never claimed that Iraq posed an "imminent threat."

Not his agency. No, siree.

What a butt-covering weasel.

While the popular perception is that the White House termed Saddam to be an "imminent threat," the popular perception is flat-footed wrong.

For Tenet to imply otherwise to save his own skin is just despicable.

What Tenet was desperately trying to obscure is that the CIA, with all its huge resources, had no clue about what was really going on in Iraq's WMD programs.

And that, in the end, is his fault.

Just as, in the end, the United States simply can't afford a dysfunctional CIA.

And certainly not a CIA director more concerned with his own reputation than with the nation's safety.

George Tenet already has two strikes on him. Can America afford a third?
Proud member of the Republican Attack Squad!
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