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Old 10-03-04, 11:32 PM   #1
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Kerry calls Republican critics 'crooked, lying'

Washington-AP -- The chairman of President Bush's re-election campaign is calling on John Kerry to apologize, after Kerry offered some harsh comments about his Republican critics.

During an appearance in Chicago, Kerry was responding to a supporter who urged him to take on Bush. Kerry replied: "Let me tell you, we've just begun to fight. We're going to keep pounding. These guys are the most crooked, you know, lying group I've ever seen. It's scary." Kerry spokesman David Wade later said the senator was referring to Republican critics in general.

The Bush-Cheney campaign answered back, saying, "John Kerry has run a relentlessly negative campaign from the very beginning and this comment is completely consistent with that."

Bush campaign chairman Marc Racicot (RAHS'-koh) demanded an apology, calling Kerry's comment "unbecoming of a candidate for the presidency of the United States."

lol, so kerry must consider these guys "the most crooked, you know, lying group" he's ever seen as well.....

Harshest Attacks on Kerry Come From Democrats Wires
Friday, March 5, 2004

WASHINGTON – John Kerry has been described as a waffler who blathers, a son of privilege who won't stand up to millionaires, a Washington insider who's a handmaiden to special interests and an inconsistent candidate whose word is no good.

All of that comes from fellow Democrats.

Here is what Wesley Clark had to say about Kerry (and fellow rival John Edwards) on Feb. 5:

"The American people don't want another Washington insider who never plays it straight. They don't want a follower who makes decisions by licking his finger and sticking it up in the wind."

This is what Clark had to say about Kerry eight days later, after abandoning his own quest for the presidency: "I believe John Kerry has the right experience, the right values and the right leadership and character to beat George W. Bush."

More comments from Clark:

"We need leadership that will take responsibility in this country, and I'm very disturbed that John did not do that." – on Kerry's comments related to racial preferences.

"With all due respect, he's a lieutenant, and I'm a general."

"Senator Kerry and Senator Edwards are good men, but they don't have the leadership to stand up to millionaires."

"I don't think people understand in this country how politicians in Washington can say one thing and do something else."

"Part of the Washington way of doing things." – again on Kerry and Edwards.

Comments from Edwards:

"What he's saying now [on trade] is different than what he did in the past."

"Do you believe that change is more likely to be brought about by someone who has spent 20 years in Washington or by someone who is more of an outsider to this process?"

"I don't take contributions from lobbyists. He obviously does."

"I think he's said some different things at different points in time. So I think there's been some inconsistency."

Here's a sampling of what Dean had to say about Kerry in earlier days:

"President Kerry. Please, spare us."

"He's going to turn out to be just like George Bush."

"John Kerry is part of the corrupt political culture in Washington."

"It appears that his word is no good."

"I'm just incensed by his hypocrisy."

"This is not the person we need to head the Democratic Party. I think Senator Kerry is clearly not the person to carry the banner of the Democratic Party because he has acted so much like a Republican."

"Senator Kerry apparently supports the kind of corrupt fund raising, politically corrupt fund-raising mechanisms that George Bush has also employed."

"We are not going to beat George Bush by nominating someone who is the handmaiden of special interests."

"A special-interest clone."

"A candidate of no principle."

"Just another inside-the-Beltway guy who's played the game for 15 years."

Other Democrat also-rans now backing Kerry include Rep. Dick Gephardt and Sen. Joe Lieberman. That would be the same Gephardt whose mailings said Kerry is "no friend to family farmers" and the same Lieberman who called Kerry a "waffler."

More comments from Gephardt:

"We can keep pursuing George Bush's tired, old, failed economic policies like Senator Kerry and other Democrats in this race have suggested. Or we can learn from the policies that worked for us."

"Kerry's explanation of how he'll pay for his [health] plan doesn't add up. He's trying to have it both ways."

"I don't think cheap sound bites hiding expensive plans are the answer." – on health-care proposals from Kerry and Dean.

Comments from Lieberman:

"This is about the votes [on Iraq] that he's cast that I believe are inconsistent."

"We also don't need a waffler in charge of our country's future."

"I do think that Senator Kerry was sounding an uncertain trumpet about that particular battle." – on the Iraq war resolution.
Proud member of the Republican Attack Squad!
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