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Old 06-03-04, 12:59 AM   #40
Join Date: Apr 2002
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Originally posted by multi
Palestinian deaths triple Israel's

Regarding the letter published Wednesday titled "Israel's wall a restrained defense": What restraint?

Since September 2000, less than 1,000 Israelis were killed and 6,145 were injured by Palestinians. Contrast this with the Palestinian deaths and injuries for the same period: 2,711 deaths and 24,734 injuries (a third were children under the age of 15).

Every suicide bombing is usually a major story in the media, accompanied with live photos of Israeli victims and expressions of shock and horror.

Palestinian deaths receive hardly any or no reporting in the media; sometimes they are just scrolled across the bottom of the screen on CNN.from

you cant really beat picking off kids from a US supplied thats really tough...
well maybe if the cowards didn't hide or shoot from the middle of groups of kids that wouldn't happen.
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