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Old 04-03-04, 08:54 AM   #21
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re: mazer.

when schoolchildren visiting the grand canyon are informed in us park service informational books and plaques that god created the canyon with “noah’s flood”, religious correctness has direct consequences for the education of our future citizens. that's just one example, and there are many more, how the oxymoronic creation-"science" lunatic fringe is influencing public policy with real and lasting consequences for this country ("creation" mythology is what it really is). it's no accident that muslims, once fairly liberal in their acceptance of outside beliefs (and the scientific ideas that came with them) had high standards of living and pretty decent technology. as their beliefs became stratified and monolithic they turned inward and dogmatic. anything that didn't fit a preconceived religious paradigm was rejected, often at knifepoint, until many of the areas lost their knowledge and devolved to their present states. this has happened often with great civilizations. could it happen here? why not? it can if we let it, and at this moment we have a president and a party hand picking judges and scientists doing all they can to make it happen.

- js.
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