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Old 29-02-04, 09:50 PM   #16
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the guys at the time knew about bush. the guardsmen were "waiting for this famous celebrity son of a texas congressman" to show up - and they "never saw him" (the natguards' words, not mine.) they remember waiting for him, they remember never seeing him and they remember wondering where the hell he was (and if maybe his daddy pulled strings). they knew they couldn't just take a few months off whenever they felt like...and they sure as hell knew they themselves couldn't just not show up at all. these guys remember thinking it was mighty strange.

the argument that bush was somehow "nondescript" isn’t true. while i fully agree that he himself has much to be modest about, his position in life preceded him, particularly in the guard at that time. this new argument that no one remembers him because he was invisible is more loony psyops from the hardright, sitting behind their pc's, laughing at their own bs and anyone on the left gullible enough to give it even the slightest consideration. pure codswallop, the gasps of the truly desperate. that they now stoop to attack kerry, himself a true hero in actual combat no less, illuminates thier moral bankruptcy.

- js.
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