Thread: GOP Lite
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Old 25-02-04, 12:27 AM   #6
JackSpratts's Avatar
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gwbush to gays: “drop dead.”

someday scoob you and span will get yur heads out of each other's bowls and see things for the way they really are. but until that day arrives…

nah, it'll never come.

still, i must press on with your education regardless if it's an exercise in futility.

there is one gay group the right can count on, year after year, for unwavering public support in the face of continuing humiliations. most gays (and straights) consider them nothing more than self loathing hypocrites but for whatever reason, maybe because they'd rather piss out of the tent than in or maybe because they just can't keep their hands off all those sweaty republican fascists, the “log cabin republicans” have been there for bush.

they’d be the ones who’d use your “facts” above, ahem, to convince the simple minded and impressionable that bush really isn’t homophobic and anti-gay in spite of his actions to the contrary.

not any more.

sorry scoob ( i seem to have to write a lot). the real experts, the ones who’d give bush the benefit of the doubt if he was caught on a frat boy binge painting swastikas in a bath house, have abandoned him completely on this issue. (say, didn’t hitler start with gays back in the 30’s? made ‘em wear pink triangles?)

thier respnse to bush's support for an amendement to the us constitution denying them the right to marry -

"Log Cabin considers support for this amendment a declaration of war on gay and lesbian families and an attack on our sacred Constitution." - Patrick Guerriero, executive director.

so save the kinder, gentler 'gwbush is a gays best pal' soft soaping for the kindergarten class, nobody believes that fractured fairy tale. like so much else republican smog, it just isn’t true.

“A Declaration Of War.” wow. strong stuff that.

that’s not your clear thinking liberal pal jack spratts talking, no siree. that’s the best friend a republican homophobe could've had: a nice, conservative log cabin gay guy who looks the other way so often he can see around corners. i was gonna add “bush supportin’” but well, that would really be a whopper now wouldn’t it?

- js.
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