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Old 17-02-04, 01:49 PM   #16
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Originally posted by JackSpratts
"My inclination was to support the government and the war until proven wrong, and that only came later, as I realized we could not explain the mission, had no exit strategy, and did not seem to be fighting to win." - George W. Bush
if you’re going to quote george bush on what he felt when he was 20 yrs. old..quote the entire statement.

Candidates: "Who were you when you were 20 years old?"


"We were young men trying to enjoy what should have been the last carefree days of youth. But we could no longer be the same cavalier college students. We all knew that something was fundamentally, frighteningly wrong ... We discussed Vietnam, but we were more concerned with the decision each of us had to make: military service or not. I knew I would serve.

Leaving the country to avoid the draft was not an option for me; I was too conservative and too traditional. My inclination was to support the government and the war until proven wrong, and that only came later, as I realized we could not explain the mission, had no exit strategy and did not seem to be fighting to win."
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