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Old 15-02-04, 01:03 AM   #27
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Originally posted by span
if he was a "deserter" then why did he get an honorable discharge?
how indeed span, and how did he get to the head of a 500 man line? the answer to those questions should be examined.

as for your pictures, there are no dates, no context to those photographs but it doesn’t surprise me since it’s just more shallow republican propaganda attempting to belittle a hero by association. i’m sure we can all pull up pictures of bush standing near thieves and reprobates, criminals and conspirators much more recent than those 30 year images. and if the republicans continue in this fashion i’m sure we’ll see plenty of embarrassing bush shots. won’t that be educational? since you actually think they’re relevant i’ll be happy to plaster the board with them.

in spite of the hope you have in posting those shots that they somehow diminish kerry they do the opposite. i see a young man with the courage of his convictions willing to state publicly his beliefs, no matter how unpopular they may be in that company town washington, and willing to take the heat for them. the millions of young men, the thousands of veterans pinning hopes on somebody with the courage to do just that: to go up against the corrupt officials championing the war who would soon be in jails themselves. someone to take on a war that mcnamara himself the wars architect ultimately admitted was a terrible mistake but whose offices continued in sending young men to their pointless deaths. it needed to be done and we’re better for it. i juxtapose that with bush who escaped his duty by letting others serve for him while smugly taking credit for performing it, a man whose people continue disparaging anyone today, even those who fought bravely, because they didn’t agree with an immoral war their leader did all he could to avoid: this empty president who leads by manipulation and hides behind lies made to the very people he cynically claims allegiance.

- js.
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