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Old 14-02-04, 10:40 PM   #25
JackSpratts's Avatar
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if you're going to stay in this debate at least try to keep up.

Originally posted by span
i'd hardly call him a celebrity. i could stand next to any congressmans son and not know who the hell he was. Besides, a dentist that probably saw thousands of patients a year for untold number of years can't remember some schumk 30 years ago? SHOCKING!
tell that to the guys in the guard unit. the ones alabama knew about the "celebrity" (thier words) schumk (yours) coming in to thier unit from texas. they sure remember looking for him but they don't remember seeing him.

he's no hero, he may even be a deserter but had bush at least done some protesting i'd have a bit of respect for the guy.

kerry on the other hand is the real thing.

he fought for his country in battle and worked against the war in vietnam upon his return, doing both in service to americans fighting and dying there, while bush jumped queues and let others go in his place.

kerry was - and is - light years beyond bush the pretender.

- js.
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