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Old 26-01-04, 10:17 PM   #11
schmooky007's Avatar
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Originally posted by theknife
geez, looks like even the White House has given up on this one:

never mind the WMD's - lemme tell you about those poor Iraqi people we had to liberate...
no doubt. the bush administration really fucked this one up. it's not that there aren't any iraqi WMD. i'm sure the weapons are out there. they're just not in iraq. and even if there is evidence that iraqi WMD were transported to syria, how are the americans going to deal with syria? launch a military invasion? how? there are american troops in afghanistan, iraq, how the heck can america manage another military operation? their military resources are already stretched. besides, unlike the situation with iraq, there are no UN resolutions against syria that threaten the use of force for non-compliance. therefore any military move against syria will been seen by the world as even more illegitimate than the war in iraq. but then again syria does actually pose a threat to american national security. syria provides a lot of support to hizballah who already attacked americans in the past and hizballah also have close ties to al-kaida.
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