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Old 24-01-04, 11:12 PM   #6
Apprentice Napsterite
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Default We Knew It Would Come To This

Before the war broke out the Iraqis had told the United States that they did not have these weapons, I think they were telling the truth and moved all their weapons over several boarders it is the only thing that makes any since out of this whole thing.

Everyone thinks that this war would start on one day and end the next and all our troops will come home and we will let the Iraqis have their country back in their hands and wipe our hands of it. That isn’t the way the war works, at least not in this day and age. We know where the weapons are and we have known that before the war broke out, and like I told my father the night they dropped those bombs on Baghdad, “They just wasted those bombs Saddom was long gone at that time. You could tell that just by the way he looked when we captured him. I also think that his sons are really still alive; any makeup artist can do wonders with faces. Us Americans are on a need to know kind of deal, so our government only tells us what we need to hear.

Do I feel that the war in Iraq was necessary? In some ways yes and no. I knew that we had to over throw Saddom that was just in my eyes. He was just a bad apple spoiled and corrupt. Over all I do think that the war did what it set out to do and did it very well and our troops did a great job. Why I feel it wasn’t necessary is my feelings for the Iraqis who had to go through all that blood shed.

Do the Iraqis have these weapons of mass destruction? Sure they do, we just haven’t gotten outside of Iraq to know who has them all. We know but we can’t do anything about it but if I was smart I would keep my eyes on Syria and Iran because you never know what those fools will do.

I know I might get hammered for what I said tonight just joining and all. But like I said there is more to the war in Iraq then just the weapons. The weapons are such a small problem compared to what lays ahead for the United States. The wars have just started, but the bigger ones are just around the corner. This is far from over.
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