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Old 24-01-04, 01:47 AM   #11
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Originally posted by theknife
think you better fall back to the "save the poor Iraqi people" might get better mileage out of that one
if we're talking about saving the iraqi people then by all means this war was justified. the problem is that's not what the american people were told they were going to war for.

i truly believe that iraq did have an active WMD program. maybe not a fullscale nuclear development yet but certainly a chemical and biological program. giving the amount of information that's been coming out it appears more and more that many of these banned weapons were transferred somewhere else shortly before the war, possibly syria, under the nose of american intelligence. while i believe the americans had good intentions, the intelligence fuckup is quite embarrassing. if this was some kind of "rescue mission" then the bush administration should have said so from the very beginning. instead, they chose to focus on the WMD issue and now, because of faulty intelligence, the bush administration looks stupid.
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