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Old 18-01-04, 12:06 AM   #18
JackSpratts's Avatar
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Originally posted by ab-NORM-al
i'm a republican kinda conservative democrat with very liberal views and enjoy working and making great money and getting stoned and being a fuckup and sharing.... and sleep....i love sleep

all in the same day
norm, you're a thoroughly well rounded guy.

i must say finishing off the guy on ground was truly a deft touch. i'm with knife. can't you just hear the gurgling whiny outrage bubbling up from the mouth of rumsfeld if it was some "poor american" shredded by "barbaric iraqis" when collapsed on his knees with his life oozing out of him "no possible threat to anyone"? he'd face the camera and warn solemly of "repercusions" and future "prosecutions for war crimes under geneva conventions" as his indignation rose. rush limbaugh beating the war drums, reminding everyone why we're fighting, why those whiny liberals are so out of touch, coddling such "murderous scum!" but no. this was us pulling the trigger. there will be no war crimes for killing the wounded from hovering warships here. instead we get treated to "neutralised threat indices" and patriots protecting freedom.

- js.
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