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Old 18-11-03, 12:17 AM   #3
Formal Ball Proof
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I dunno, I've been positively marveling at how lame these weekly releases are. The music industry seems to still be petulantly thumbing it's noses at the consumer, saying "look here, we don't have to give a shit about quality or significance, we just have to churn out rehashed crap, and you (collectively) will buy it anyway."

Check the list. 7 (at least) out of 21 are "greatest hits" compilations, and as for the lame ass christmas shit, don't even get me started. ("Warner Strategic Marketing"? Holy mother of god.) Then we have that MONUMENT to Mr. Mcgagmee's continued insecurity (well deserved) LET IT BE (REDON'T). He should have renamed it LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE. The irony is apparently lost on him completely. But I guess I can see his point, it must have been tragic trying to do a good album with those pesky wannabees Lennon and Harrison hanging around.

I also have to wonder at who compiles these lists. Since Bob's been posting them (and I'm not ragging on you Bob, I appreciate the effort, it's an edifying public service... in a disturbing way) I've bought a slew of new, good things which arrived 'unannounced.' (Most recently, Daniel Lanois' new Shine, which is thoroughly awesome btw)

I should probably apologize for my surly attitude, I just got home from working a Cheap Trick show. NEW RULE: When the lead singer can no longer even ATTEMPT to hit the high notes in his own songs, the band should no longer be allowed to tour. (Especially when tickets are 30 bucks) Someone during the show asked me if they were going to do a meet and great and sign autographs afterward and I replied, for $30 a ticket they should come out and give you head afterward.

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