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Old 28-10-03, 02:35 PM   #5
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corporations are busily destroying the promise of digital communications by shunting users into their drm-laden digital gulags. it was only a matter of time before people responded to the threat of diminished usage rights by calling the media companies' bluff and making them put up or shut up. is the dmca and drm really a response to an alleged loss as a result of a shift to digital media or is it simply an excuse for media giants to grab even more control from users, control they've coveted for decades, since long before digital was conceived? if it's the former then the riaa/mpaa can't mind us using analog at all. as a matter of fact they'll welcome it. no more endless "perfect copies" etc destroying their businesses and taking from starving artists what few rancid scraps they've left to them. we used analogue in every fashion and facet for a hundred years and the record/radio/movie/book and tv companies prospered fabulously. however if it's what i suspect and the riaa and the mpaa are deliberately using the digital bogeymen to scare congress and the courts (and the schools and the parents and the churches and the girl scouts) to feed their bottomless greed then trying to silence this old fashioned idea for an analogue radio stream will starkly illuminate the media companies' duplicitous lip service and artist rights arguments for the lies that they are.

- js.
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