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Old 10-09-03, 10:40 PM   #3
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David Lawrence who hates peer to peer in a seriously major way went after BigChampagne recently, for supposedly withholding the scientific data behind their tracking methodology. He’s posted about both P2P & BC in a fashion that suggests he feels they’re actually evil, but he has his own tracking systems and some have suggested his animosity is sour grapes. Whatever its cause it’s pretty venomous. And wow does he hate peer-to-peer. It verges on religious obsession.

I’ve been using BigChampagne’s charts in the Week in Review for ages and I think they’re more or less accurate as far as that goes - but with the recognition that there’s a lot of hype, smoke and mirrors permeating every aspect of the business of music, and that includes all the charts that go with it..

- js.
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