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Old 08-07-03, 12:57 PM   #18
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Default Re: a matter of time

Originally posted by dingdongding

it's all a matter of what time the figures are taken
and that's my point d3. while it's early in the legal game it's not too early for the riaa propaganda machines to crank up stories purporting to show the lawsuits having a negative effect on sharing (several such stories have appeared already). the casual reader may stumble across such an article and take it at face value. but like file sharing and sales figures, no easy correlations can be made - empirically - between the subpoenas and the amount files shared. in this case, they can't even say the peer-to-peer figures are down, let alone credit any threats of legal action on their part. it can be said with assurance however that the riaa's actions are damaging whatever reputation the record industry has left.

- js.
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