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Old 24-06-03, 10:20 PM   #11
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Default Re: WASTE

Originally posted by sith
God I love this WASTE prog. I have been connected to a buddy of mine for the last 10 days and we get a constant 30ks ul and dl rate. Havent had a crash or error yet, pretty damn stable if u ask me.
yes sith it's very stable, i know of groups on that long or longer too. i've been on a small one (7-14 users) that's been running continuosly since the evening of june 8th. i'm in and out, on sometimes for a few hours, sometimes for a few days, but the group maintains cohesion and accessibility. sharing is minimal and so is open chat but it seems to go and go. maintenence isn't an issue. what is tho is initial connectivity. we're finding more and more users who have not been able to make that first connection, and we don't know why.

- js.
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