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Old 17-06-03, 03:10 PM   #184
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nice link multi. it's exciting to see entire boards devoted to waste. it's kind of amazing actually for me. i shouldn't be too surprised after seeing the activity on this thread (it’s already the 9th biggest in nu history). there is obviously a lot of interest but it's still kind of startling since i keep thinking of waste in smaller, more personal terms, even though i know that in the aggregate it's going to be huge. i mean a few weeks ago nobody had this thing. i had to email copies to people and explain what it was. now there're whole boards exploring in fine detail minor nuances of it's operating platform. it happened so fast!

maybe we can change that adage from “if you build it they will come” to “if you build it they will come really fast!” napster already proved that and winmx and fasttrack and bt, but every time i think interest in p2ps couldn't get stronger, a new one comes along that changes the rules and everybody has to have it all over again.

can’t wait to see what’s coming next.

- js.
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