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Old 21-05-03, 12:33 PM   #1
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Default Want To Know If A Band’s On An RIAA Label? Now You Can

How many times have you wondered if that excellent new Indie band is signed to a label in the dreaded RIAA evil empire? If you’re like me, too many. Since I make it a point to avoid purchasing music that will benefit the RIAA and their oppressive tactics, it's something I take seriously - but I’ve had little to go on when it came to finding out if my money would wind up in their pockets – until now.

A new product called RIAA Radar has been released that claims to detect RIAA member labels with a simple click, as long as you’re checking at

“The RIAA Radar is a tool that music consumers can use to easily and instantly distinguish whether an album was released by a member of the Recording Industry Association of America,” says the site magnetbox, and they continue, it’s easy to use too,

“1.Add the RIAA Radar bookmarklet to your bookmarks/favorites list.

2. Go to any album's detail page on you would like to check.

3. Click the "RIAA Radar" bookmark!”

Since the RIAA controls about 90% of the music most people purchase the odds are stacked against you that your new discovery isn’t on a member label. However, there’s always the nice surprise when you find one that's not - and you don’t have to feel culpable about buying the CD and supporting them.

Now if only it worked with your favorite Peer-to-Peer too...

- js.
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